Some of my greatest childhood memories are from this place right here:
Can you see it? It is the Cabin on Sugar Island. My family vacationed here every summer for probably 6-8 years. This place has a huge spot in my heart. Now that I live in Colorado I don't get to go to Northern Michigan very often well I haven't been to Sugar since I moved here. When we do go to Michigan it is to visit my family and they all live in the lower peninsula. Josh and I had hoped to go there this summer/fall but it just isn't going to work out so my parents went a few weeks ago and here are some of the pictures my mom sent. I am now craving a visit to Sugar more than the Milka that sits in my bottom left drawer here.
A great fishing spot...or a great place to watch the freighters come into the Soo Locks!

That's my dad walking from the boat up to the cabin. The water looks a little low this year!

I remember the first time we went and I had never seen anything like this. We drove over the Mackinac Bridge and into Sault Ste. Marie to board a ferry that took us over to Sugar Island. There was a greasy hamburger joint on the Sault side of the ferry and we would sometimes stop and get a milkshake and fries. I remember watching fireworks on July 1 from Canada and on July 4 from the US. I remember playing horseshoes on the beach and cooking meals over the campfire. I remember riding in the boat in calm waters and stormy too. I remember my "surprise" birthday party there but I can't remember which age it was...maybe 16! I remember my dad and brothers playing guitar around the fire until it was too dark to see the words.
Do you have a favorite vacation spot that just brings a smile to your face? This would be mine!

I think this thing is a first...catching a fish!

My mom and dad trolling along.

i think i still have that shirt you and Lacey gave me from Sugar Island :)