Tuesday, September 23, 2008
rockies game!
Pictures from the Rockies Game
They lost but we still had fun. And I got to eat nachos with extra jalapenos. YUM.
We rode the Light Rail to Denver from Orchard Station which I would definitely recommend doing if you are going to the game. It is so much easier to just park and ride the train than to go downtown and find parking and deal with traffic.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Puppy Party!
Well, we survived the Puppy Party! On Sunday we had 11 dogs at our house, 9 of which were Labs. Charlie and Toby turned 1 so we thought it would be fun to have everybody over. Valeen (Toby's owner mom) and I made a ton of treats for dogs and humans. We had a great time watching all the dogs play. I don't think there is too much else to say. Probably the hit of the party was little miss Belle who is Daron and Rachael's new Golden Retriever puppy!
You can see pictures here…
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Whole wheat Wednesday
So the V is backwards. Now I'm trying to decide if I want to switch it around. I probably will but it will take some time to get that high on my list again. J
I've been doing a lot of baking lately and would you believe I didn't take any pictures to show you. We now have homemade biscuits, pita bread, and hamburger buns in the freezer. I can't believe how cheap it is to make this stuff. A note to any of you who would like to do your baking with whole wheat flour instead of white flour…it is very simple to make this switch you just need to buy yourself a little box of Vital Wheat Gluten. You may have tried using all whole wheat flour (wwf) in a previous recipe and it just didn't taste right nor did it have the correct texture. You may be using half white flour and half whole wheat flour to correct this. This is a fine set up but not my preferred way to work. Well my friends, the answer lies in this cute little box.
When you are baking your goods whether it is cookies, bread, biscuits, etc. and have used all wwf without adding gluten or using a high gluten flour, your goods will probably be bitter and very heavy. Almost like the texture and heaviness is too thick to eat. You will want to add in some gluten to give your product more chewiness and what gluten also does is holds together moisture so your baking will be more moist and fresh. The gluten won't add tons of extra carbs but it does add some. While most traditional recipes are created using All-Purpose Flour you can easily substitute wwf as you see fit when you understand how much gluten to add in. They do sell wwf with higher gluten content as well as ww pastry flour but if you are cheap like me you can do it this way.
From what I have been reading and trying to understand, gluten is the protein that works with yeast and helps it to stretch and rise. When you are making any kind of yeast bread adding some gluten to your wwf will make all the difference. In the hamburger bun recipe it uses 3 cups of flour and ¼ cup of gluten. The directions on the box say about 2-3 tsp of gluten to 1 cup of flour so the ¼ cup could probably be reduced a little bit. As you work with wwf and gluten you will see where you need to adjust. When I bake cookies using all wwf I will add just a little bit of gluten (maybe 1 tsp) because I don't want the cookies to be super airy but I also don't want them to be rock hard and a pain to eat. This seems to work well.
I have not yet tried wwf for things like gravy or cream sauces and I don't know if I will…I just always have some all-purpose flour on hand for those types of things. Maybe I will start with the half and half approach and just see what happens.
Do any of you use wwf? Do you use it only for baked goods or all sorts of stuff?
Monday, September 15, 2008
weekend project

Friday, September 12, 2008
biker boys

Wednesday, September 10, 2008
then & now

Friday, September 5, 2008
it's a fiesta!
To some of you it might be weird that I am so excited about a colorful dining table but Josh and I both just love hosting people and preparing food. With both of those things it is like 80% based on presentation (I think). SO the table and settings really complete the meal. And that, my friends, is why it excites me! Knowing that you prepared a delicious meal and then serving it on a pretty plate is so much fun.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008
the weekend
On Friday night we had dinner and bowling with a bunch of friends. We ate dinner at one of our favorite places, had this TO.DIE.FOR. cake, and then went bowling. I got some nice gift cards too, thanks friends! Then on Saturday Josh had to work so I got up early and went to the balloon launch with Lacey and her roommate. Took lots of pictures. It was fun. But very early.
Then went to the farmer's market and got some smokin' deals on produce. So got busy making salsa and cleaning the house up. After I took a 4 hour nap...
Haven't done that in a very long time.
So Sunday we went to church and heard a great sermon. Then went to Josh's parent's house for some carrot cake and to receive my b-day gift from them. Totally cool gift, can't wait to use it. I got an AeroGarden. It is so cool. Put it together this morning though and pump does not work so have to exchange it.
Also, in other gifts I got 2 more place settings of Fiesta Ware and 1 set of fruit dishes. Also, got the towels I was hoping for and a gift card to Target. WooWOoO!
Never have I received this many gifts for my birthday. It was crazy. I am feeling quite overwhelmed today.
So moving on, Sunday after church and gifts we went and played some baseball with Lacey and then napped. Lots of naps this weekend, I enjoyed it. After the nap, anniversary celebration!! We go out for hot wings each month to celebrate so this time was no different. We went to Rock Bottom and watched the CU vs. CSU game while enjoying some wings and Titan Toothpicks. Good stuff, too much grease though.
All in all it was a great weekend!