Wednesday, September 10, 2008

then & now

I haven't had much to blog about lately and finally got some inspiration.

This weekend is Charlie's first birthday. Yeah for all you dog haters we are the kind of dog owners who celebrate these things. We will be having a birthday party the following weekend for Charlie and her brother Toby. So in honor of that I thought I would post some photos of Charlie and Toby when they were just little pups and then some of what they look like now. Obviously Charlie is the black lab. Look how stinking cute she is in that picture by herself. She was so TINY! These pictures were taken about 2 weeks before we got her. Toby is the very light yellow lab.

They have gotten much bigger! Toby is definitely bigger than Charlie now although the pictures don't show it very well.


  1. Happy Birthday to little Charles Sue Miller! I would TOTALLY come to that birthday party even though we don't have a dog.

  2. I like the white one! Toby is so cute! I wish I could take him home!

  3. Happy Birthday to you.
    Happy Birthday to you.
    Happy Birthday dear Charlie.
    Happy Birthday to you!
    ...And many more!

    Love, Tucker Haddix.

  4. Yay, Tucker left a comment! :) And Chris, I think you can have the white one.

  5. Hey kids! I finally made it to a computer that would allow access to media storage sites. Charlie is a fine looking Lab and I hope she remembers her grandpa when I get back. I liked your LOVE banner and think if you (Annie) like orange, you should like the photo I sent the other day of the dust storm over here in was so orange it looked like what Mars must look like. Be safe!
    Love you both!
