Next up, soaker covers! I also need to add Aplix or Velcro to these before they can be worn.
Monday, January 26, 2009
more diapers!
Next up, soaker covers! I also need to add Aplix or Velcro to these before they can be worn.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Book Review
From the very beginning both Josh and I have felt we would prefer a natural birth for our baby. Neither of us are big “medicine” people to begin with and it just seems that this is something that a woman’s body has been created to do. I know and love many women who have never had children and I don’t want anyone to think that I am saying a woman was made to have children but our God is an Awesome Creator. I believe that when woman was created God had in mind that she would have the ability to bear children and thus created her with that in mind. I am not saying there is anything wrong with a woman who does not bear children! Ok now that is out of the way…
I firmly believe there were many, many women before me who have given birth without even the assistance of a doctor let alone Pitocin, Oxytocin, Epidural, and what have you. And so I (for the time being) am holding firm that if God has created my body with the mind that I will someday bring a child into this world that has grown inside my body then I am going to let it happen as naturally as possible. I read somewhere once that God will not give us more than we can handle. I do know that sometimes things arise that require medical intervention and we will cross those roads if/when we come to them.
So back to this book, Pushed, I thoroughly enjoyed reading about the experiences women have had with hospital births because that is what we will be going through. Thankfully our doctor is very supportive of natural childbirth as long as it is safe for the baby. There are many doctors who do not support this and the book brought to light many things I had never thought about. I don’t remember which blog first referred this book to me but when I first started reading it I had to stop for a while because I was getting so freaked out about what the birth was going to be like. Then I was able to step back and look at it from a learning standpoint and making myself educated about all the options and sometimes requirements that come with having your baby in a hospital. The book helped me to be able to say, “Ok, these are the options that I will be faced with and maybe the hospital staff will try to talk me into and these are the reasons why I will refuse these things.”
I think every person should be informed when they make decisions and it is so important to be educated on your options before you make a decision so I guess now I should read a book promoting the use of drugs during delivery! :) I do know that having read this book and talking through it with Josh will help us in the long run. If I feel like I cannot do this naturally we will have some reasons already set in our minds on why we are doing this and be able to remind each other of that.
I would highly recommend reading this book if you are expecting. Probably not a good idea to read it before otherwise you might not ever want to have a baby!! :)
I do owe you all another post because I recently made a bunch more diapers that I need to showcase, let me just say these ones are so tiny and cute I can hardly wait to put them on our little girl!!
Weekend getaway!
This past weekend we had the great opportunity to go to Estes Park for a weekend of hiking, snowshoeing, and spending time with friends. We were so blessed when we got the invite and looked at our calendar and saw that Josh had the whole weekend off! Since Monday was a holiday I had the day off of work and although Josh was scheduled to work he was able to get a sub for the first half of the day.
We went with our friends the Short's and Nordgren's and we were able to bring our dogs thanks to a pet friendly cabin rental. This was also a blessing to not have to find a dog sitter. We also got a pass to Rocky Mountain National Park and although dogs are not allowed in the park they are allowed in the National Forest which is right near the park. We arrived on Friday night and went straight to bed. We took the dogs hiking on Saturday and then spent Sunday snowshoeing through RMNP. Monday we got up and around and checked out and then drove home. There was also a hot tub at the cabin so that made it even better!
If you want to see pictures, please visit our Picasa album. There is a separate album for each day.
Have a great day!
Friday, January 9, 2009
it's a...

Monday, January 5, 2009
19 weeks + 1 day
Here is the latest and greatest. The bump is moving higher and getting more round (I think)! Also, had to take out the belly ring this weekend. The thing looked like it was about to rip out of my skin.
Also, haven't had any nausea for quite some time but just had a few random gags from the dog food smell. That is the only thing that has consistently made me gag but only a few times I actually lost it. TMI-I know!
good stuff
Well we had a great Christmas and New Year. We are excited at what 2009 will be bringing us!
Our favorite Christmas gift is a Macbook Pro. I won't tell you how much time we spent on the computer during our time off together.
Sometimes Josh worries about what I eat while he is at work...but he shouldn't, here is the kind of stuff I have been eating. I have been mastering the grill pan and sirloin deal. The potatoes are Pioneer Woman's Crash Hot Potatoes.
Next up, we have the cutest little red chair that was a hand-me-down. It was missing a chunk
The tan microsuede matches the back pillows on our couch so it does all work together.
That is about all we have been up to. I have been working on sewing diapers for the baby and on Thursday we will find out if it is a boy or girl.