Well we had a great Christmas and New Year. We are excited at what 2009 will be bringing us!
Our favorite Christmas gift is a Macbook Pro. I won't tell you how much time we spent on the computer during our time off together.
Sometimes Josh worries about what I eat while he is at work...but he shouldn't, here is the kind of stuff I have been eating. I have been mastering the grill pan and sirloin deal. The potatoes are Pioneer Woman's Crash Hot Potatoes.
Next up, we have the cutest little red chair that was a hand-me-down. It was missing a chunk
The tan microsuede matches the back pillows on our couch so it does all work together.
That is about all we have been up to. I have been working on sewing diapers for the baby and on Thursday we will find out if it is a boy or girl.
yeah that's so exciting that you find out on Thursday if you're having a boy or girl. What do you think you're having?