Thursday, September 15, 2011

choose joy

There is a blog I have read for a few years now and I was brought to tears last night when I read the update that Sara is moving toward Heaven. Soon.
It appears that it will not be much longer for her here on earth and I have been praying for her family, friends and all those who have been touched by her blog. She is a great of example of choosing joy in all that life brings even if that means being home bound for years. Her writing has been encouraging and inspirational to me through the years since I happened upon her blog.

Join me in lifting up Sara and those close to her as they travel this road.

Choose joy.

Link up here.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Annie, I did link up to Sara's blog. As I was reading it some words kept popping out to me. This is the same illness that Uncle Doug has and now also Christopher. So, now we can better pray for them also. Christopher is seeing a doctor now in S.Carolina (i think that is where he is) so after he finds work, he will take the next step. Loveyou dearie!
