Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Harper - 8 Months Old!

Harper! You are 8 months old! You are such a sweet baby. You like to eat...and your sleep is finally getting on track! You really have to be ALMOST crawling now. You can roll and spin and scoot backwards, you push with your hands up and then push up on your toes so you kind of do a teeny tiny downward facing dog pose but then you fall back down on your belly. You are trying to figure out how to clap your sweet little hands and you love music. You are having some issues with separation anxiety but it is just fine. You are such a blessing to us. Love you, Harper Baby!



  1. Only 8 months old and you can already wrap a rough and wrangled old Green Beret around your finger...Grandpa E loves you Harper!

  2. Oh my gosh!! She looks so much like Avalyn! You guys make cute kids. You should have more. :)
